Managing Schemas


Newly registered schemas that represent a new analysis_type are assigned as Version 1 by default. All future schemas registered under the same analysis_type will be auto-incremented during registration.

Listing Schemas

To retrieve a list of all schemas registered in Song, you can use the ListAnalysisTypes endpoint. The following parameters help manage schemas:

  • hideSchema: When set to true, the schemas will not be returned in the list.
  • unrenderedOnly: Can be set to true or false. If hideSchema is set to false, the schema will be returned. This parameter controls whether the Song base schema is included in the request. For users updating dynamic schemas, it is helpful to set this to true so they can focus on editing the dynamic portion for easier future schema registration.

Example: Basic listing of all schemas.

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 02ad07ea-2982-43b4-8aa3-1d64689050f0'

Example: List of all schemas, with only the dynamic portion rendered:

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 02ad07ea-2982-43b4-8aa3-1d64689050f0'

Get Schemas

You can also request individual schemas using the GetAnalysisTypeVersion endpoint. The following parameters are useful for management needs:

  • version: If provided, a specific schema version is returned. Otherwise, all versions of an analysis_type schema are returned.
  • unrenderedOnly: Can be set to true or false. This parameter controls whether the Song base schema is included in the request. For users updating dynamic schemas, it is helpful to set this to true so they can focus on editing the dynamic portion for easier future schema registration.
curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 02ad07ea-2982-43b4-8aa3-1d64689050f0'


Newly registered schemas representing a new analysis_type are by default assigned as Version 1. All future schemas registered under the same analysis_type get auto-incremented during registration.

Listing Schemas

All schemas registered to Song can be returned with the ListAnalysisTypes endpoint. For managing schemas here are a couple of helpful parameters:

  • hideSchema: When set to true, the schemas will not be returned by the list
  • unrenderedOnly: Can be set to true or false. If hideSchema is set to false, then a schema will be returned. This parameter controls whether or not the song-based schema is returned as part of the request. For users making updates to dynamic schemas, it is helpful to set this to true so they can take the current dynamic schema portion and edit just that for easier future schema registration.

Example: Basic listing of all schemas.

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 02ad07ea-2982-43b4-8aa3-1d64689050f0'

Example: List of all schemas, with only the dynamic portion rendered:

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 02ad07ea-2982-43b4-8aa3-1d64689050f0'