API Usage

Song provides a RESTful API that allows you to interact with its database management functionalities. Depending on your use case, various methods are available to interact with the Song API.

The Swagger UI

The Swagger UI is a helpful tool for exploration and simple use cases. It describes all the available endpoints, expected inputs, and error responses.

Depending on your deployment, you can access the Swagger UI from one of the following links:


The Song-Client

The Song-Client is a command-line tool that can be run as a Docker image. It is particularly useful for submitting data and managing analysis states. For more information, refer to the Song-Client GitHub repository.

Programmatic Solutions

For more complex use cases, you can utilize programmatic solutions such as cURL, Python, or Postman. These tools provide flexibility and customization options for interacting with the Song API.

Examples and instructions for using the Song API through these methods will be provided in the subsequent documentation pages.