Run our QuickStart

QuickStart screenshot

1. Download and configure Docker Desktop (4.39.0+)

In Docker Desktop click the cog icon , then resources. We recommend at minimum setting your CPU limit to 8, memory to 8GB, swap to 4GB, with 64GB of virtual disk space available. If you have Docker already installed ensure it is up to date.

2. Clone the QuickStart Repository

git clone && cd conductor

3. Run the Docker Compose

For Unix/macOS run:
make platform
For Windows run:
./make.bat platform
Your portal will now be accessible from your: localhost:3000

Overture Quickstart screenshot

Explore Our Resources

Guides and documentation to get you started using our platform

Platform Guides

Stepwise tutorials for practical insight and hands-on experience using the Overture platform

  • User guides: stepwise guides covering platform usage.
  • Administration: detailed stepwise instructions for customizing our platform.
  • Deployment: generalized instructions for deploying our platform from start to finish.
  • API Reference: explore endpoints, request parameters and response schemas through a Swagger UI.

Developer Documentation

Detailed product documentation for administrators and developers

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